Clinton High Science Class takes first at 20th Annual Envirothon

From left are: Sara Idzik (coach), Brynn Biddle, Karen Abercrombie, Anna Cardall, Sarah Cardall, Jovan Deickmann, and Riley Sain (coach).
It was a beautiful day in Scott County at the Oneida City Park for the 20th annual Envirothon competition sponsored by Cumberland Mountain RC & D, which includes Anderson, Campbell, Roane, Morgan, and Scott counties.

The soil conservation districts from these counties and many more volunteers make this competition possible.

More than 100 students, teachers, county employees, Natural Resources Conservation Service, UT Ag Extension, TWRA, and Tennessee Department of Agriculture Forestry Division participated in the contest. Students were tested for knowledge in the following categories: forestry, wildlife, aquatics, soils, and current events.

Clinton High School Science Class placed first with a score of 429.5, Clinton High School FFA placed second with a score of 379.5, and Scott High placed third with a score of 374.5.

Thanks to all who participated.