Donations give county animal shelter reason to celebrate

Fox Toyota in Clinton made it possible for the Andferson County Animal Shelter to get a van to help transport animals. — Patsye Thurmon
Fox Toyota gave them a terrific deal on a van, and with additional financial help from SARG and a fund drive organized by Russ Rymer, the shelter was able to acquire this van to assist with their efforts in transporting animals to adoption events, taking them for vet appointments, and taking them to drop off points for rescue organizations.
Kudos to all the unnamed but incredible citizens of Anderson County who donated to this special cause.
Another need at the shelter was met, seemingly, with a Christmas miracle six months ago.
Noticing how the yard for walking the shelter dogs became one big mud puddle after a good rain, one of the shelter’s most devoted volunteers, Barbara Booth, mentioned this problem to her neighbor, who just happened to be with Cozy Excavating. Within a day or two, just a few days before Christmas, SRM Concrete donated 14 cubic yards of concrete, Pro Pump provided pumping services to help complete the job, and Cozy arranged all of the above, as well as doing the grading, prep, and pouring work.
They then returned on the day after Christmas to finish up the job. More kudos to these three generous local companies.
And still a third cause for joy at the Anderson County Shelter is that they recently qualified to have their cats placed for adoption at Pet Smart.
These cats featured at Pet Smart will have already been neutered or spayed and vaccinated and are ready to go to their forever home.
It is totally due to individual volunteer efforts that this endeavor has been such a success, since the floor employees at Pet Smart are in no way responsible for the cats there.
Each cat has a roomy “cat condo” in which to move around, plus a playroom in which volunteers can play with the cats and/or let them play together in order to get them better socialized. Many, many homeless cats have found loving homes due to their increased exposure to the public at Pet Smart. Kudos once again to all the selfless volunteers of Anderson County.
The Anderson County Animal Shelter does not yet have regular visiting hours but is open several mornings throughout the week 9 a.m. - noon and by appointment Monday through Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. On Wednesday mornings, 9 a.m. - noon, the shelter is now regularly open, not for intake but for those wishing to visit and/or adopt some of these great pets.
To schedule a visit or to claim a lost pet, contact one of the Animal Control Officers: Brian Porter (Director) (865) 256-0755, or Jimmy Miller, (865) 441-1281 or after hours, (865) 463-6856. If you see an animal you would like to adopt, you may also call Katrina Hall (865) 414-2491.
The Shelter desperately needs a new facility with more accommodations for the countless strays and surrendered pets in the area and more space in which to walk and socialize the dogs.
Furthermore, a recycling facility full of barrels and bins does not provide the most welcoming storefront for families setting out to adopt a new pet.
Funds are being raised towards building a bigger, official animal shelter that will be open to the public every day. Check the Facebook page for the Anderson County Animal Shelter for more information.