HABIT will provide therapy dogs for Juvenile Court

  • HABIT therapy dog

  • Linda Gilpin, HABIT volunteer with therapy dog, Bentley; Judge Brian Hunt; Angie Perez, judicial assistant; and Tracy Spitzer, lead Y.S.O.

If you see a dog in Anderson County Juvenile Court in the near future, don’t be alarmed.

The animal is there for a good reason.

Anderson County Juvenile Court has partnered with HABIT to provide therapy dogs for abused and neglected children who come through juvenile court.

The therapy dogs provide a calming and supportive environment for the children, Linda Gilpin, a HABIT volunteer, noted.

HABIT, or Human Animal Bond in Tennessee, is an outreach program of the University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine.

Founded in 1986, HABIT has become one of the country’s oldest and largest Animal Assisted Interaction Programs.

HABIT Teams, which are made up of human and a dog/cat/ or rabbit are found in all counties in East Tennessee and have recently started in Middle Tennessee.

HABIT is always looking for great teams to join their program, Gilpn said.

For more information on how you and your animal can become involved please contact the HABIT office at 865-974-5633 or habit@utk.edu.