City schools earn more accolades
For the past several weeks, a variety of accountability data, both district and school-based, has been released from the Tennessee Department of Education regarding student results on the annual TN Ready assessment. There are two main areas of accountability – achievement and student growth. Achievement is the percentage of students who score on track or mastered in terms of meeting standards. Student growth (TVAAS or Value-Added) is a measurement of much a student grew academically in the course of one year.
Districts and schools are rated on a score of 1-5, with 5 showing “statistical significance” that students made more than a year’s growth. Clinton City Schools received a district composite score of a 5 this year, which is the highest ranking possible. This composite score takes all subjects and combines them into one overall score. Individual schools also received a composite score. Clinton Elementary and South Clinton Elementary received a composite score of 5, and North Clinton Elementary received a composite score of 3. A level three means that a year’s growth was met. Director Kelly Johnson stated, “We are very proud of our student growth scores based on 2018 TN Ready data.
The composite score of a level 5 is proof that teachers differentiate instruction to meet the varying levels of our students. Many of our students come through the classroom doors with standards already mastered so it is our obligation to take each student where they are and grow them academically at least one year. Parents, teachers, administrators, students, and community members have all had their hand in achieving this ranking.”
In terms of achievement, Clinton City Schools also performed well this year. Out of 144 districts, the 6th grade cohort was ranked 3rd in the state in Math and 2nd in the state in English/Language Arts. Our 3-5th grade cohorts are in the top 15-percent of districts across the state. The “Tradition of Excellence” at Clinton City Schools continues by holding high expectations with an abundance of support.