Home(less) For The Holidays
“Home(less) For The Holidays” will be presented at 10:30 a.m. Sunday, Dec. 16, at Second Baptist Church — a rescheduling of the Sunday, Dec. 9 show that was cancelled due to inclement weather. Admission is free, but donations for area rescue ministries are greatly appreciated. Items needed are travel-sized toiletries, deodorant, and new men’s/women’s underwear and socks. Presented by the Second Baptist Church Worship Ministry, it is a retelling of sorts, of the birth of Christ.— Photos by Ken Leinart
Pictured in the top photo is KariAnna Watkins, singing a soulfull rendition of “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen.”
“Gus,” played by Austin Davis, explains his contribution to the Nativity recreation — “crowns,” which Gus hears as “crayons.” From left are Davis, Ronnie Miller, who retells the story of the Nativity, Savannah Seivers and Jared Lane. In the background is Kelly Calhoun.
The Children’s Choir sings, “I’ll Give Him My Heart.” They are, front row from left, Izzy Woods, Lily Summers, Miranda McCracken, and Chris Pelliccio. In the second row are, from left, Bethany Lowe, Isabella Whitt, and Angel Ferguson. In the third row are, from left, Ana Vu, Delaney Long, Mia Jennings, Gabby Slone, Katelyn Castleberry, Ella Clark, Stephen Blakney, Kendyll Watkins, Kamryn Watkins, and Evelyn Rawdon.