4-H and FFA students take part in ‘pig project’

The Grand Champion market pig was exhibited by Bryce Collins, earning $200 spon- sored by Anderson Farmers Co-op. Reserve Champion honors were awarded to Bristol Brown, earning $100 sponsored by Anderson County Farm Bureau.
Although some children participated in the activity strictly as a market project, several youth expanded their project experiences to include breeding, farrowing, and selling feeder pigs to other youth for the show. Regardless of whether the students participated in a market project, a breeding project, or both, there was plenty of fun and hard work along the way.
At the Anderson County Market Pig Show, youth earned cash premiums and awards sponsored by Anderson County Farm Bureau, Anderson Farmers Co-op, Carroll Excavating, John’s Tire & Service, Long Branch Salon, Quality Towing, Ray Varner Ford, and Rocky Top Dentistry – Dr. Leslie Holmes Leach. Health papers for the project animals were sponsored by Butler Veterinary Services, PLLC.
The Grand Champion market pig was exhibited by Bryce Collins, earning $200 sponsored by Anderson Farmers Co-op. Reserve Champion honors were awarded to Bristol Brown, earning $100 sponsored by Anderson County Farm Bureau.
The Premier Exhibitor award recognizes a member’s success in the market show, showmanship and skillathon. Winners were: Junior – JoJo Hunley, Intermediate – Bristol Brown, Senior I – Zac Cooper and Senior II – Nicholas Monday.
Top project records were submitted by: Explorers – Riley Mozingo (Grand); Junior – Ella Gamble (Grand), Avery Davis (Reserve); Intermediate – Bristol Brown (Grand); Senior II – Skylar Mozingo (Grand).
The Showmanship Contest evaluates a member’s ability to care for, train, groom and exhibit their pig to the judge. Top showmanship winners were: Junior – JoJo Hunley (Grand), Ella Gamble (Reserve); Intermediate – Bristol Brown (Grand); Senior I – Seth Holbrook (Grand), Zac Cooper (Reserve); Senior II – Bryce Collins (Grand), Nicholas Monday (Reserve).
The Skillathon Contest tests a member’s knowledge about their project. Honorees included: Junior – JoJo Hunley (Grand), Ella Gamble (Reserve); Intermediate – Bristol Brown (Grand); Senior I – Zac Cooper (Grand); Seth Holbrook (Reserve); Senior II – Nicholas Monday (Grand), Skylar Mozingo (Reserve).
Members have outstanding finished market pigs for sale. This is a great opportunity to stock your freezer with quality meat from local animals that have been raised utilizing outstanding animal husbandry techniques, so you know you will get a great finished product—and invest in our local youth. If interested, call Donna Carter, 4-H Extension Agent, at (865) 457-6246 or email dcarter@utk.edu.
Extension offers programs in agriculture and natural resources, 4-H youth development, family and consumer sciences, and resource development.
University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and county governments cooperating. UT Extension provides equal opportunities in programs and employment.