Diamonds are a girl’s best friend

Girls Youth Softball tourney begins next week

  • Riley Alley (7) scoots past what used to be a teammate on her way to third base after a hit Monday night in an informal 8-Under scrimmage. - Ken Leinart

  • Maggie Curran makes a gesture best described as “Voodoo Hoodoo” in the pitcher’s circle (actually she just wiped her hair from the front of her protective mask). - Ken Leinart

  • Carly Cooper and Sindle Justice both had sharp singles during Monday night’s scrimmage. - Ken Leinart

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There’s love of the game, and then there’s love of the game.

Monday night Clinton Girl’s Youth Softball, 8-Under, wound down its regular season, preparing for end of season tournaments.

Funny thing happened on the way to the final game — one team was forced to cancel.

Rather than waste some nice playing time — and playing weather — the girls just played a scrimmage of sorts — threw three teams together and played some ball.

Score wasn’t even kept.

“We just thought we’d let them mix it up and have some fun,” Charlie Goins, coach of one of the teams involved playing, said.

It was hard on the players as well.

Several girls yelled for teammates to “keep running,” even when they were — for this night — on opposing teams.

Next Tuesday the tournament starts with 14-Under and 6-Under teams. Thursday night 8-Under and 10-Under teams will take the field.

Friday was left as an open date in case there is a rain out.

Championship play begins at 9 a.m. Saturday, June 15.

Usually Clinton Girls Youth Softball ends play around Memorial Day, but this year the teams had a late start due to bridge construction.

For real.

Still, winding up two weeks later than usual isn’t all that bad because no matter the time of year, diamonds are a girls’ best friend.