People and places of Anderson County

Kim Franklin (photo:Joe Bonomo )
She’s the head honcho at Valley Quick Pac and the creator of biscuits as big as your head.
When she first got started, there was no running water at the restaurant tucked away on a side road in Clinton.
“There was an outhouse,” Franklin laughed. “I’d put a sign on the door and run home, then hurry back.”
Franklin was born in Michigan, but her father, Bruce Worthington, was born and raised in Clinton.
Customers rave about the enormous biscuits with a large helping of gravy, and homemade pies. This is a local favorite and Franklin caters to her regulars. She knows what they’re going to order and she serves it with a smile. It’s a little like visiting family.
LaFollette resident Joe Bonomo is a prolific, successful artist, and is passionate about portraiture. He spent many hours in Anderson County recently photographing people in town and learning a little about them, and then going back home and creating their portraits.
To find out more about Bonomo’s art, visit, on Facebook at, and on Instagram at @bonomoart.
This series, however, is only available in The Courier News.