Collin Riggs joins staff of The Courier News as sports writer

The Courier News editor Ken Leinart welcomed Riggs to the staff last Monday, July 15.
“We took some time with this hire,” Leinart said. “We’ve always had great sports writers on the staff, and we wanted to make sure we continued that tradition.”
Publisher of The Courier News, Tony Cox, said, “I am excited about Collin joining our newsroom. I’ve been impressed with his energy and desire to jump right in as we’re gearing up for a really busy sports season.”
An alumni of Anderson County, Riggs graduated from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, in 2017 and worked for the Daily Beacon covering arts and entertainment around Knoxville.
After that he worked as a creative consultant opening museums in Pigeon Forge. A former boxer and tennis player, Collin is an avid hiker, cyclist, kayaker, and general fitness enthusiast.
“In my career, it’s been the rare occasion that a newsroom has been able to fill a sports writer’s role with someone who is already familiar with the community. Most of the time, the writer is hired from out of the area and moves to the area for the job. We’re lucky. Not only is Collin familiar with the area, but he already lives here and as an added bonus, he went to school here. I’ll call that a WIN,” Cox said.
Riggs noted he is excited to be back in Clinton using his degree to cover all the sports and activities of Anderson County.