First Baptist Church in Clinton welcomes new pastor

Pastor Danny Chisholm and his family.
The Chisholm family’s first Sunday was two Sundays ago.
Originally from Springfield, Mo., Danny Chisholm served at University Heights Baptist Church for 12 years.
So what brought him to Clinton?
“Basically, just the opportunity to come,” he said. “They were looking for a pastor, and they contacted me about the vacancy.
“We collectively decided this was the right place for us to be.”
He comes with his wife of 25 years Lori, and two of his three children.
His daughter Cally, 21, is a senior at Missouri Southern State University in Joplin, Mo.
Second daughter Lucy will be going into 11th grade at Clinton High and son Matt will be a freshman.
“We had a really good experience in Missouri, but we feel good about being in Clinton,” Chisholm said.
He’s most looking forward to getting to know the people and connecting with the Clinton community.
“We just want to see how we can be a productive part of the Clinton community,” he said.
“Just to lead our church forward to make a difference for Christ in our area.”
He said that not everything he was able to do at their last church is transferable to this one, and being brand new, he’s not completely sure what he’ll tackle first.
“But there are some things you hope to do, which is make a difference — in the lives of children and teenagers especially,” he said.
The congregation size at First Baptist is around 250.
He said he knows addiction is an issue in the community and looks forward to continuing the ReNew Recovery program.
“I’m only now learning about it, and I know that’s one that’s really important to the church,” he said.
He hopes that people will feel free to come and get to know him and his family as well.