Faith lives within these walls

Church opening new campus in the heart of Clinton

  • Workers not only got the new Faith Promise Church ready for worshippers, they left messages throughout the building on the bare walls before they were drywalled.

  • Message left for the new Faith Promise Church by workers

There are four walls.

Nothing fancy about that, nothing unusual.

But on these four walls are handwritten messages.

It took some faith to start construction at this location.

Faith and a little luck.

But that’s what is at the center of this location and what it will rely on, in fact, what it is really built on.

The messages are hidden now, covered over by sheet rock and paint, but they are there.

Messages of faith at the core of this building.

Funny how things work out sometimes.

Faith Promise Church, with five locations in Anderson and Knox Counties, is set to open its sixth campus in Clinton in the old Food Lion Shopping Center.

The main campus of the church is at Faith Promise Lane off Pellissippi.

The new campus will offer much of the same services as the other five.

No, actually, maybe more.

“Everyone knows what a church is,” Anderson County Pastor Robbie DeJarnette said.

“We’re going beyond that.”

He pauses, thinking … “You give people hope and you love ‘em up,” he said finally.

Until the new campus started taking shape the church was literally running out of room in Anderson County.

The work the church does in the community revolves around so many things, but DeJarnette said one of the most important aspects is “Our community.

“Every church is known for something, their work with schools, police and fire departments, whatever it may be. Our work is the community.”

The new campus offers 20,000-plus feet, which is tremendous considering last Easter Faith Promise had more than 1,000 worshippers at its campuses.

Faith Promise had been looking for space for about two years.

Looking and not finding anything.

Then the old Hibbard Sports location in Clinton became available.

“It just worked out,” DeJarnette said.

“It’s funny how our sixth location came about during our sixth anniversary.”

Work on the new location started in early summer.

And while it was a busy time Faith Promise continued its outreach.

“We handed out 2,000 bottles of water on July 4,” DeJarnette said. “That’s what we’re supposed to do though.”