Life in our town
Sisters Ashley Grant, 10, left, and Sophie, 6, enjoy lunch in the parking lot of St. Mark United Methodist Church in Clinton last Saturday after getting teir faces painted during the church’s annual Fall Fun Fest. They are the daughters of Dave and Bobbie Grant. - G. Chambers Williams
Sharon Capps of Claxton, left, watches as Mary Phillips of Rocky Top picks out some baked treats for sale on Saturday during the Fall Fun Fest at St. Mark United Methodist Church in Clinton. Both are members of the church, they said. - G. Chambers Williams
Nathan Pierce, 4, of Adersonville tries the Frisbee toss game during Saturday’s Fall Fun Fest at St. Mark United Methodist Church. - G. Chambers Williams
Jacob Pierce, 8, of Andersonville plays carpet golf duriing Saturday’s Fall Fun Fest at St. Mark United Methodist Church in Clinton. - G. Chambers Williams