Don’t let a 4-H member get your goat, because she has her own

Hawk Talk

Alli McKamey and her Nigerian dwarf goat, “Kisses.”
Back again! With more stories from the halls of YOUR hometown middle school.

You will find short pieces below related to areas of learning and fun in our building from classes and sports to Hawk life, Student Spotlight, and our new focus on college and career awareness.

Showcasing a wide variety of the positive happenings at Clinton Middle School, College and Career Academy is Hawk Talk’s first priority.

A goat visits 4-H Club

By Marissa Eccles, Jasmine Erick, Ari Herrell and Parker Sanchez

The 4-H Club works on projects and community service around Clinton.

When they are not working on projects or community service, the 4-H members bring animals or objects associated with their projects from home.

Sixth-grader Alli McKamey brought her Nigerian dwarf goat named “Kisses” to share with her club members.

We can’t wait to see what other animals they bring and projects they accomplish.

Tennis club starting at Clinton Middle

By Reese Rittenberry, Tomi Taylor, Mya Phillips and Maggie Stokes

It’s tennis season at CMCCA.

This year, Coach Johnson is hosting an after-school tennis club for anyone at CMCCA who is interested in playing.

Girls and boys of all grades are welcome to join Ms. Johnson after school from 4-5:30 p.m. starting March 2.

In order to participate in the program, you are required to bring your own racket and can of tennis balls.

The beginning lessons will be held in the gym. Additional lessons will be held at the tennis courts.

The schedule will also depend on weather.

We are looking forward to a great season.

Hawk Choir fired up for Spring

By Ethan Clock, Ethan Graham,

Andelynn Lawson

and Braylon Taylor

Choir performances are coming very soon.

Mrs. Myers’ choirs are getting prepared.

They will be singing songs from Elton John and the Beatles such as “Circle of Life,” “I’m Still Standing,” and “Here Comes the Sun.”

Performance dates are still to be determined. We will update this story as more develops.

Hawk scientists

study sand

By Marissa Eccles, Jasmine Erick, Ari Herrell and Parker Sanchez

Turns out there’s a lot more to sand than we might think.

This week, eight-grade students worked hard on a lab in science about sand.

Students examined sand through microscopes and learned what the different materials that make up the sand mean.

They also learned how to tell how old the sand is and if it was volcanic or not by looking at the colors of the rock in the sand.

Until next week...