Asbury UMC bids farewell to the Rev. Cedric Jackson

The Rev. Cedric Jackson, with his wife Audrey.
After five years as pastor, Jackson of will be passing the torch to the Revs. Clarence and Jackie Carter. Jackson’s future includes reassignment to a congregation in Albany, Ga.
He will become pastor of West Town United Methodist Church in Albany.
He delivered his last sermon in Clinton on Sunday, June 14. The sermon title was “Tomorrow.”
Jackson’s five-year tenure is one of the longest in the congregation’s recent history. But it will more importantly note the accomplishments of the couple, who have devoted much of their time and faithful service to Asbury endeavors.
Jackson, with his wife, Audrey, and C.J., his son, will relocate to his new assignment.
Providing Asbury’s congregation with spiritual guidance and emotional support has been foremost for Jackson in the past five years.
Special programs and events started during Jackson’s tenure at Asbury include the Job Ministry, serving anyone in the city and neighboring counties by offering resume and career-search workshops.
Outreach ministries included partnership with Phi Beta Sigma to offer fatherhood [Building Strong Fathers] seminars; to provide fans to those in the community who were without air conditioners; and to established a back-to-school supply bank for youth in need of school supplies.
Other outreach programs have included a clothing drive and a food drive for residents in need.
Church activities initiated under Jackson’s leadership included New Membership Training Sessions, Older Adult (Seasoned Saints) and Graduate Recognition, Moments with the Children and many more.
Events introduced by First Lady Audrey included the Fall Festival & Movie Night Fall Event and UMW’s SPA (Spiritual/Prayer/Anointing) Day.
Church activities initiated by First Lady Audrey included Special Holy Week Bible Study Lesson, reestablishing the youth choir and youth Sunday School classes.
One of Jackson’s last duties at Asbury was to help oversee the use of social media platforms to effectively deliver the Christian message during the during the COVID-19 pandemic.
On June 14, Asbury members said farewell to Jackson, who has represented the community since 2015.
Asbury members wished him well in his new appointment, and said the congregation is looking forward to welcoming the Carters as the new co-pastors in July.