Nearly 1,500 cast ballots in first three days of early voting in Anderson County

Anderson County election poll worker Carole Francke-Goss waits to assist an early voter at the Clinton Fairgrounds location. (photo:Ken Leinart )
The first day of early voting in Anderson County had the largest turnout — but it’s early days yet and that distinction could change.
A total of 778 voters cast ballots last Friday. The three-day total for Friday, Saturday and Monday, July 17, 18, and 20, was 1,488.
Of that number 533 voted on the Democratic Primary ballot, while 941 voted on the Republican Primary ballot.
Early voting continues through Aug. 1.
Locations are:
• The Anderson County Government Building in North Anderson County in the Anderson Crossing center at the junction of Andersonville Highway and U.S. 441;
• Midtown Community Center in Oak Ridge (The Wildcat Den) near the new Kroger grocery store;
• The Anderson County Fairgrounds, which has been selected because the Clinton Community Center, which was the usual Clinton early voting site, remains closed because of COVID-19.