Citizens urged to ‘Not grow weary’

COVID-19 cases on the rise statewide

It is referred to as “COVID Fatique,” or “Pandemic Fatigue.”

U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams said on National Public Radio, “The virus hit different places of the country at different points. And so you’ve had people who’ve been doing these things since February, March, April, but they didn’t really start to see the wave until later on. And they’re just plain tired.”

The state of Tennessee had reported 318,888 cases of the virus, with 3,923 deaths, as of Nov. 16. On Nov. 16, 7,449 new cases were reported in the state.

According to the Tennessee Department of Health, 2,542 cases have been reported in Anderson County with 23 deaths.

Anderson County Commission passed a resolution unanimously Monday night urging citizens to “not grow weary” and to continue to “take precautionary measures to help slow the spread of COVID-19.”

Resolution No. 20-11-832 pointed out several sources of information.

• “intemational, national, Tennessee and Anderson County COVID-I9 cases are on the rise, according to World Health Organization and Tennessee Department of Health data;

• “as reported by the Tennessee Department of Health and Vanderbilt School of Medicine, new cases and hospitalizations are rising in all areas of the State ofTennessee;

• “it is anticipated a nationwide spike in COVID-I9 will occur over the winter months as people spend more time indoors, especially during the holiday season when people tend to gather with family and friends;

• “Vanderbilt School of Medicine has reported that hospitals that serve areas in Tennessee where mask-wearing and related precautions are widespread are receiving “lower rates of growth” in hospitalizations for COVID-19 patients than hospitals in other areas of the state.”

The resolution notes Anderson Countians have “consistently emphasized the importance of safe practices in the fight against COVID-I9 from limiting gatherings, to safe-distancing, wearing of masks and good hygiene, to altered operations in the various offrces and departments of govemment; and

“Anderson County, through its Operations Committee has, since March of 2020, consistently offered ongoing COVID-19 Awareness - with commissioners themselves partnering with citizens outside of govemment to create and build lace shields for employees and the public - and including the approval and passage of a covlD-I9 Planned Response for the safety of employees and citizens in April of 2020.”