Food City hands gifts cards to organizations that give to the needy

Representatives of churches and charities operating food programs for the needy in Clin- ton receive gift cards from Food City Store Manager Sam Turner (center) during a reent presentation at the Clinton store. (photo:G. Chambers Williams III )
The annual campaign involves Food City cashiers asking customers to make donations in the Race Against Hunger for as little as $1 each as the customers check out at the registers.
“We’ve been doing this as long as I’ve been at this store,” Clinton Food City Manager Sam Turner said.
“That’s been at least 20 years. But it was going on even before I came here.”
Turner said the campaign, which will continue through the holidays this year, raised $5,000 during the past year.
The proceeds are divided equally and handed out to the participating food charities through Food City gift cards, which the various food pantries and other organizations can use to purchase food for their programs designed to feed the needy.
Organizations that were presented gift cards in a ceremony last week at the Clinton store were Memorial United Methodist Church, First Baptist Church, Second Baptist Church, South Clinton Baptist Church, Community Action of Anderson County, the Child Advocacy Center of Clinton, and the Anderson County Office on Aging and Senior Center.
Representatives of the churches and other organizations that were selected to receive the donations were on hand for the gift card presentations.
The churches and Community Action operate food pantries for the needy, their representatives said.