Soccer draws to a close for Blaze

Blaze soccer players enjoyed an outing at a University of Tennessee soccer match earlier in the season. The Blaze will finish up the 2021 season this week and end with a “Parking Lot Pizza Party” Saturday morning.
There will be a U-10 scrimmage against Norris United at 5:30 p.m. Thursday at the Clinton field next to the jail, and a U-12 scrimmage against AYSO at 5:30 p.m. Friday, also at Clinton.
The last intrasquad game is at 10 a.m. Saturday and will be followed by a “Parking Lot Pizza Party” at the field around 11:15. a.m.
The 2021 soccer season was very successful and saw the participation of student athletes take off.
Meet the Blaze basketball teams Oct. 26 — and order your Blaze fall gear.
Also to be presented will be the Blaze color guard, cheerleaders, and dance team.
Admission is $5.
The girls’ game starts at 6 p.m. and the boys’ at 7 p.m.