Norris council seeks quick fix for leaky police/fire station roof

A leaking roof sometimes allows water to pour through the ceiling onto these fire trucks in the Norris police and fire department building on Norris Square. (photo:G Chambers Williams III )
The council also gave its informal approval to a tentative plan from City Manager Adam Ledford for upgrades to the fire/police building on Norris Square, including a new roof and possible extension of the structure to the rear.
An outline of that plan, handed out during Monday’s meeting, calls for a preliminary proposal to be brought to the council during its Sept. 11 regular meeting, and eventually go out to bid, first for design work, and then for actual construction — which would begin next May or June.
In other business Monday, the council:
• Approved a solicitation for bids on a 2023-24 street-improvement project, which would include repaving of Butternut Drive and part of Hickory Trail.
• Approved going out for bids on an improvement project for the city-owned McNeeley Building, which would include new siding.
• Set a second workshop on the future of city facilities, to be held at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 6, in the council meeting chambers at the Norris Community Building.
• Set a council workshop for 4:30 p.m. Monday, Sept. 11, to discuss fixing stormwater runoff issues and other needs, including preventive maintenance on city buildings.
This would also be in the council’s meeting area.
• OK’d expenditure of $55,000 for two new city police vehicles, a Ford Explorer and Dodge Charger, which were delivered to the city in July.
The city paid $23,000 for the Charger and $28,000 for the Explorer. The additional expenses were for radios and labeling of the vehicles.