Clinton puts all-way stop on Ridgeview

Construction work continues at Jaycee Park in Clinton. (photo:Ben Pounds )
The city of Clinton has installed an all-way stop involving Ridgeview Drive, Unaka Street and Cedar Circle.

City officials announced the installation of these four new stop signs on an official Facebook page Oct. 2.

In other traffic-related announcements, City Manager Roger Houk said at the September City Council meeting that he had received designs for improvements on Yarnell Road and was working to schedule a meeting with neighborhood stakeholders.

He also said the city had advertised a tech grant contract for bid regarding pedestrian improvements in Clinton.

He added that hoped that contract would be on the council’s agenda for October.

Major construction on these improvements won’t likely start until January however.

The council voted to abandon a portion of the Westbury Height alleyway owned by developer Kenneth White, so that he can go ahead with a development.


At the same meeting, city council passed an ordinance on second and final reading regarding stormwater and the prevention of erosion. The full text of the revised ordnance, titled 692, is available on the city’s website.

Building official Matt Widener told the council that the ordinance adds a requirement to do geotechnical analysis for steep developments. It’s also shorter than the previous policy and removes language that conflicted with state regulations, he said.

Rules under the new policy also include requiring that builders stabilize soil within 14 days of the end of construction unless it’s snowing or construction is about to start again.

These rules are different however, for steep slope areas, for which that time period will be seven days.

The measure also sets rules for buffers around streams once construction is finished, requiring facilities to notify the city about illicit pollution. There also are rules regarding permits. It lists penalties and appeal policies for these regulations.


City Finance Director Chris Phillips said the state is clawing back $200,000 in sales taxes the city raised from a merchant who overpaid. The payments will take place over three months.

“We chose to ease the pain by spreading it to three months,” he said.


Houk said concrete pouring is underway at the Jaycee Park pool. He did not give a completion date for the project.

“It should be moving pretty quick now,” he said.


The City Council appointed Councilman Jim McBride for grand marshal, Joey Smith for Tree Advisory Board, and Sonia Dye for the Community Action Commission.


The council unanimously approved paving bids from Rogers Group Inc. for the North Main Street and Marshall Street parking lots. The contract for the parking lot at 398 North Main St. will be $103,510.

The one at Marshall Street will be $36,960.

A grant will pay for $40,000 of the one on Main Street, while the school system will reimburse $36,160 for the one near the school. The city’s cost will be $63,000.

Bargain Barn


The council met before the meeting as the Beer Permit Board and gave an off-premise beer permit to the Bargain Barn at 115 North Charles Seivers Blvd. The store did not sell beer in the past.

Park Trees

The council also approved Cortese Tree Specialists for a contract for tree trimming at Jaycee and Lakefront parks for $65,050. The Tennessee Department of Agriculture will fund the cost.

Purchasing limits

The council unanimously passed on first of two readings an ordinance keeping the city in line with state law regarding the limit on still bids. The state raised the limit to $50,000.


Operations Plan

The City Council unanimously approved changes to the Anderson County Basic Emergency Operations Plan to bring it in keeping with the American Red Cross’ recent changes.

Police vehicles

The council voted to place three retired police vehicles up for disposal.