Vietnam Veterans honored at appreciation breakfast

Sea Cadet Elesionna Loveday prepares to pin veteran Lonnie Dison for recognition of his service as a Vietnam veteran while Veterans of Foreign Wars District 2 Commander Jim Irving looks on.
As part of the program, Commander Mickey Vickery of Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 12051 of Oak Ridge, introduced VFW District 2 Commander Alfred “Jim” Irving to lead the Commemoration of Vietnam veterans in a special ceremony.
VFW members were joined by the Sea Cadets of the Knoxville Anchor Division to help pin each Vietnam veteran in attendance.
Cadets in attendance were Elesionna Loveday, Hadrian Abas, Andrew Celeste, Dillon Lightfoot, Thomas Clark, Christopher Zamora, Joshua Tacovelli, Patience Simes, and Diego Matias-Arroyo. Cadet instructors are Brodie Collins, Matthew Jones and Todd Johnson.
The Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 12051 of Oak Ridge was honored to sponsor the monthly community Appreciation Breakfast for Veterans on Saturday, April 8th. Living United States veterans who served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces at any time during the period of November 1, 1955 to May 15, 1975, regardless of location, were eligible to receive one lapel pin as part of a 13-year program to honor and give thanks to America’s Vietnam veterans.
For more information about Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 12051 in Oak Ridge and their activities supporting veterans, contact Commander Mickey Vickery at 399-5301.
Anderson County residents and community volunteers are working together to make the breakfast a free monthly event that will allow veterans of all ages and branches to fellowship and share stories together.
The next breakfast is scheduled for May 13.
For more information about the breakfast contact Terry at 310-4097 or visit Facebook and search for Veterans Appreciation Breakfast – Anderson County.