Updates made at animal holding facility

County Mayor Terry Frank, Animal Care and Control Director Brian Porter and Officer Jimmy Miller show off the new website andersonanimals.org and the new smart phone app to connect lost pets with owners.
The website helps citizens understand local laws and procedures, provides helpful tips in areas such as locating a lost pet, and helps direct citizens to the appropriate agency for animal issues not under the purview of Anderson County Animal Care and Control (ACACC) among other information.
The Department is also announcing an updated name that adds the word “care” to its department identity. Now called Anderson County Animal Care and Control (ACACC), the change is to reflect the department’s broadened efforts in animal welfare, education and partnership with the community—not just “controlling” animals at large.
ACACC is also excited to announce a new partnership with Finding Rover, a new facial recognition app for your pet. Anderson County Animal Care and Control (ACACC) will now use smart phone facial recognition technology to help identify and reunite lost dogs with their worried owners. Beginning June 1, every dog that enters the holding facility will be registered on the free “Finding Rover” app, which allows users to search for missing dogs via a smartphone or computer.
When a dog leaves ACACC (through adoption or a reunion), the pet owner has the option to continue protection through Finding Rover by completing a free email registration. If that dog ever gets lost in the future, his or her record will then already be in the system and will be ready to assist in making the reunion.
While ACACC is doing their part to protect dogs in the community, anyone can register an owned dog from home using the app. Registration is simple and free at www.findingrover.com.
And once a dog is registered, he or she is protected for life.
“We are very excited to make forward strides to improve services for the citizens of Anderson County. Director Porter and Officer Miller are to be commended for their hard work and the Animal Welfare Task Force continues to be instrumental in helping us advance. We also serve an extremely generous community, and without their help, we could not continue to advance as we have,” said Mayor Frank.
“With limited resources, our ACACC team depends on the strong partnerships we have built with the schools, local newspapers, numerous Animal Welfare organizations, veterinarians and more. Words cannot express how thankful we are for the assistance and partnership,” said Director Porter.
“We hope that improving our technology will help better connect people and their pets in our community,” he continued.
The Animal Welfare Task Force is comprised of members of the community, members of Anderson County Commission and Mayor Terry Frank, whoserves in an advisory role to help the department accomplish its goals.