ACHS team takes first in state FFA poultry evaluation

Pictured from left are: Philip Warfield, team coach and FFA advisor; Ethan McAnally, ninth high individual in Tennessee; Jacob Kiser, second high individual in Tennessee; Wesley Zemeke, first high individual in Tennessee; and Skylar Mozingo.
The FFA Poultry Evaluation Career Development Event provides an opportunity for FFA members to display their agricultural knowledge and skills in the area of Poultry Evaluation.
FFA students applied industry-specific skills as they competed in the state Poultry Evaluation contest.
Students were responsible in acting as an USDA inspector when assessing various poultry products.
Areas included placing classes of live poultry, placing and grading classes of ready to cook poultry, grading classes of egg interiors and exteriors, identifying and grading further process poultry products, and a poultry production examination.
There were 96 members participating from 24 chapters from across Tennessee.
The contest was hosted by Tennessee Tech University in Cookeville.
This is one of many Career Development Events that the Anderson County FFA participates in throughout the year, giving real-world application to career related skills learned in class.
These FFA members will compete in October, 2017, in the FFA National Career Development Event.