New waterlines expected for North Anderson
During the Anderson County Commission Operations Committee meeting Monday, Nov. 13, Commissioners unanimously passed a motion authorizing Anderson County to enter a grant contract with the State of Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation Division to replace deteriorated water lines in Briceville.
Anderson County Mayor Terry Frank brought the item to the attention of commissioners during her committee report and requested they make a motion to approve.
The grant is a $285,000 “zero match” grant, meaning there is no requirement stipulating that the county has to provide matching funds as part of this grant award, explained Frank.
The project will include Beech Grove Lane at State Route 116 and travel along State Route 116 to State Route 330, and all “side roads” off State Route 116, including Seiber Lane, Tennessee Hollow Road, Duncan Road, Seiber Road, Moore Road, Sharp’s Lane and Slatestone Road.
Anderson County Water Authority has spent $1.5 million in Briceville already to replace the main water lines in the community, but the service assemblies have not been replaced, said Frank.
“One TDEC-Office of Surface Mining Grant funded the new water line to a part of Tennessee Hollow Lane with four new services but the other portion of the same road still has old service assemblies as well as Seiber Lane,” Frank said.
Commissioners on the Operations Committee unanimously passed the resolution and forwarded the request to full Commission for Commission to vote on next week, during their next scheduled Commission meeting, which is Nov. 20.