Clinton recognizes School Board members for School Board Appreciation Week

Pictured are, front row from left: Merle Pryse (Vice Chair of Clinton City School Board), Kelly Johnson, and Kay Webster. In the second row are, from left: Dr. Tim Bible (Chairman Clinton City School Board), Joey Smith, David Queener, and Curtis Isabell.
The week is designed to recognize the contributions made by all school board members, including the Clinton City Schools’ School Board. School boards are given the tremendous responsibility of ensuring the education of Tennessee’s youth.
School board members are elected by their communities to manage the local schools.
They oversee multimillion-dollar budgets, which fund education programs for more than 997,893 students in approximately 1,833 schools across the state. Their personnel decisions affect more than 70,000 teachers, administrators and support workers.
These volunteer leaders are responsible for formulating school district policy, approving the curriculum, maintaining school facilities, and adhering to state and federal education laws.
Legal concerns and the complexities of school finance, including budgeting and taxation, require them to spend many hours in board training programs and personal study to enhance their understanding of these issues.
“Our deepest appreciation is extended to the dedicated men and women who make it possible for local citizens to participate in education,” said Clinton City Director of Schools Kelly Johnson.
“Please join us by saying thank you to our school board members during Tennessee’s School Board Appreciation Week.”