Briceville VFD receives grant and loan for equipment

The funds — a $17,400 grant and a $14,300 loan — allowed the department to purchase new safety gear and small equipment for its volunteers who provide fire and emergency response services to citizens in their fire district.
The grant and loan were approved by USDA Rural Development last summer, and final documents were filed to complete the process in the last few months.
A formal presentation to the fire department’s members occurred during a recent membership meeting.
“We are so very appreciative of Joe Woody, Ashley Nelson, Mary Short, and the great team at USDA who helped equip Briceville Volunteer Fire Department so that they’re able to safely serve the people of the community,” Anderson County Mayor Terry Frank said.
“This grant process was the successful result of true partnership between the BVFD board and firefighters, the community, the county mayor’s office, county commission and USDA. I’m so excited about the positive impact it’s going to have for years to come,” said Mayor Frank.
“We can’t say thank you enough to the team at USDA for their help,” BVFD Chief Jamie Brewster said. “We also couldn’t have done this without the help of Mayor Frank, Commissioners Vowell and Isbel and all of commission, our BVFD board and firefighters, and the people of the community. We are honored and humbled by the support we’ve received,” Brewster said.