AC Special Ed department free screening

The Anderson County School’s Special Education Department is providing a FREE screening for infant to five-year-old county children.

The screening will include vision, hearing, speech/language, motor, social, and preschool cognitive skills.

This screening is part of a Child Find activity to help parents be sure their children are progressing as they should.

Screenings will be at Anderson County Schools Central Office in the board room. The address is 101 South Main Street, Clinton.

Screenings will be available during the following times: 8:30-11:30 and 1:00-3:00 each day.

No Appointment necessary. The screening will last approximately 45 minutes for each child.

Screenings are Thursday, April 19, and Friday, April 20.

If you have any questions, please call Alex Smith or April Manning at 463-2800 ext. 2821 or ext. 2829.