Early voting is in full swing

The total number of voters after five days is 2,297 — 751 more votes than the first five days of the 2014 early voting cycle.
The first two days of early voting alone drew 1,072 voters in Anderson County.
The Republican Party is the obvious favorite in Anderson County, with 2,114 votes: 92-percent. The Democratic Party’s count is at 183 votes: 8-percent.
Poll worker Harold Evans stated that the polls at the Clinton Community Center were slammed Wednesday through Friday of last week. He also said that Monday of this week was a little slower due to some cold, dreary weather but were sure to pick back up as the week went on and the sun once again began to shine.
This May 1 primary election is home to some very hotly contested races for political office.
The race for County Mayor between Steve Emert and Terry Frank, the race for the position of Circuit Court Clerk and the race for position of Sheriff are three contests that are sure to yield razor thin margins.
Early voting continues through April 26 from 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. on weekdays and 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. on Saturdays.
To vote, visit the Clinton Community Center, Midtown Community Center in Oak Ridge or the North Anderson County Government Building in Andersonville.