Retired Teachers award scholarships

Brittney Johnson, Patsy Thurman, and Sarah M. Cardall
The recipient from Anderson County High School is Brittney Johnson, daughter of Kenny Johnson and Jami Johnson. She plans to attend Pellissippi State Community College for the first two years and then transfer to the University of Tennessee. Brittney would like to become an elementary schoolteacher.
The recipient from Clinton High School is Sarah M. Cardall, daughter of Christian and Kimberly Cardall. She plans to attend Maryville College to study neuroscience and ultimately become a college professor.
Patsye Thurmon, president of the Anderson County Clinton City Retired Teachers Association, presented them their awards.
Money for the scholarships was raised at the annual ACCCRTA auction in December. Local businesses making contributions to the auction were: Anderson County Co-op, Anderson County High School FFA Department, Buffalo Creek Nursery, Chiropractic Care Center, Clinch River Yarn Company, Clinton Courier News, Clinton Drug Store, Community Bank (Southern Bank), Community Trust Bank, Cracker Barrel, Farm Bureau, Food City, Fox Toyota, Gondolier Restaurant (Clinton), Hammer’s, Harrison’s Restaurant, Herb Clark State Farm Insurance, Holley Gamble Funeral Home, Joe Hollingsworth, Hoskins Drug Store, Ironic Home Decor (Knoxville), Johnson & Co. General Store, Knight’s Florist, Perk-a-Deli’s, Pitty-Pat Lane, Steve Pyatt Insurance, Samuel Franklin, Alex Stewart, Walmart, and Willow Ridge Nursery