Registration for August election is July 3

Election season is dawning on Anderson County.

The registration deadline for this August’s elections is July 3. First day of early voting is July 13.

Last day to request an absentee ballot is July 26.

The last day of early voting is July 28 and Election Day is August 2. There are multiple write in candidates in this years election, but they will not be listed on the ballot.

In order to cast a vote for a write in candidate, the voter will need to use the navigational wheel on the electronic voting machine and navigate to the correct tab.

The voter will then have to use the navigational wheel to spell out the name of the write – in candidate they are choosing to vote for.

If the voter is an absentee voter, voting by mail, overseas or any other valid reason for not being able to vote at one of the sanctioned Anderson County electronic voting machines,

then a paper ballot will be utilized.

If the voter is using the paper ballot and choosing to vote for a write – in candidate, then he or she must physically write, in a designated section, the name of the write – in candidate. For more information, visit