2018 General Election financial disclosures filed
The most recent financial numbers for the August County General Election have been reported to the Anderson County Election Commission.
In the race for sheriff, Russell Barker had a campaign fund balance of $10,072.18 from the second quarter financial disclosure statement. In his pre-general election financial disclosure (the most current statement), Barker received $3,300 total in contributions and spent $5,820.93. His campaign fund balance through July 26 was $7,551.25.
Sheriff’s candidate Mark Lucas entered the reporting period with a campaign fund balance of $3,934.66. In his pre-general election financial disclosure statement, Lucas reported $2,809.74 in total contributions and $5,195.14 in expenditures, leaving a balance of $1,549.26.
In the race for Anderson County Trustee, Regina Copeland carried over a balance of $3,922.89 from the previous reporting period. In her pre-general election financial disclosure statement, she reported $650 in total contributions and expenditures of $4,423.28, leaving a balance of $149.61.
Opponent Ebony Capshaw carried a balance of $4,187 from her previous reporting statement.
In her pre-general election financial disclosure statement, she reported $1,020 in total contributions with expenditures of $1,546.46. She reported her balance on hand as $1,310.84.
Register of Deeds Tim Shelton, County Clerk Jeff Cole, and Circuit Court Clerk-elect Rex Lynch were exempt from listing a detailed disclosure because total contributions and expenditures totaled less than $1,000 for the reporting period.