Fly tying classes make a great Christmas gift for the fisherman in everyone’s family

Dianne Sowell, left, ties a trout fly under the tutelage of Melissa Maples-Harrell during a begin- ning class provided by the Clinch River Chapter of Trout Unlimited. (photo:FH Oates )
Guided one-on-one by experienced instructors, students will tie more than 50 flies as they learn nine different trout fly patterns that are effective in area tailwaters and in the mountains. Techniques learned will enable participants to tie many other fly patterns as well.
The course is limited to a maximum of 12 students. Six classes are scheduled for Saturday mornings, 9 to noon, from Jan. 19 through Feb. 23, at St. Francis Episcopal Church, 158 W. Norris Road, Norris.
Cost is $125 including an illustrated manual, all materials and, for newcomers, a free one-year membership to Trout Unlimited. Tools will be loaned free of charge to students who don’t have their own. Class proceeds benefit the Clinch River Chapter’s conservation and youth education projects.
For more information or to sign up, contact David Harrell, or (865) 803-4541.
Clinch River Chapter TU works to preserve and protect the Clinch River tailwater and its watershed through conservation projects and through education of children and adults in aquatic natural resources. For more information, visit