Book Fair theme was ‘Enchanted Forest’

Fifth graders Kaylynn Seiber, Coy Tomlinson, and Chloe Freeman collecting donations and unicorn food guesses.
The theme this year was an “Enchanted Forest,” filled with gnomes, unicorns and lively trees. The students love the thrill of new books available for purchase, which in turn, puts new books in our school.
Thanks to the purchase of so many patrons, our school raised $4815.56 worth of new books and equipment for the library and the LCES classrooms. Thank you to the many people who chose to donate books to their children’s classrooms, also.
During the fair, the school raised money to help make sure every student gets a book, using a contest of Unicorns vs. Dragons.
Friends donated $143.24 to ensure this happened. Unicorns got the most votes. It was a very successful fundraiser.
Thanks so much to those who participated.