DOE names new cleanup manager

Laura Wilkerson
OREM is responsible for environmental cleanup across the 32,400-acre Oak Ridge Reservation. Specifically, Wilkerson will oversee the daily operations needed to perform environmental cleanup and stewardship, decontamination and decommissioning activities, waste processing and management, surveillance and maintenance programs, and procurement and contract functions.
In her previous role, she oversaw all planning and execution activities related to the cleanup at Oak Ridge’s three primary sites.
“We are very fortunate to have Laura help lead our organization forward as we begin crucial new phases of cleanup at Y-12 and ORNL,” said OREM Manager Jay Mullis. “She brings an extensive amount of experience and in-depth knowledge about both of those sites, our employees, vision, goals, and challenges, and she will use that to ensure we maintain our momentum.”
During her tenure with OREM, Wilkerson served as a portfolio federal project director for cleanup and waste management activities at Y-12 and transuranic waste disposition. She also served as the portfolio federal project director for the $630 million OREM received in American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funds for cleanup and remediation at ORNL and Y-12—directing the successful completion of more than 30 projects. Laura is a certified Level III Contracting Officer’s Representative and Level III Federal Project Director and holds a bachelor’s degree in industrial engineering.
“It’s an honor to continue working alongside Oak Ridge’s outstanding men and women who are transforming the region and setting the standard for cleanup nationwide,” said Wilkerson. “I’m excited to begin serving in this new role and helping OREM continue its progress advancing safety, creating new economic opportunities, and enabling DOE’s important ongoing missions locally.”
Laura and her husband, Mark, have two daughters, Andrea (19) and Gabriella (13).