CWD confirmed in state deer

Chronic Wasting Disease found in deer in West Tennessee.
Ten deer in Fayette and Hardeman counties were confirmed as positive with CWD two weeks ago, according to the Tennessee Wildlife Resource Agency.
CWD is a contagious, always fatal, neurological disease affecting deer.
Testing for CWD has been ongoing since 2002, but this is the first time deer have tested positive.
It spreads animal to animal, or with a contaminated environment and with contaminated feed or water sources, according to TWRA.
The symptoms include excessive salivation, appetite loss, weight loss and behavioral changes, according to TWRA. It is similar to mad cow disease.
After the disease was discovered in Tennessee, TWRA held a special called meeting on Dec. 20.
The commission voted to “establish a CWD management zone which currently includes Fayette, Hardeman and McNairy counties.
The commission took action to create deer carcass exportation restrictions and a restriction on feeding wildlife within the high risk area of the CWD management zone, exceptions apply. The high risk area of the CWD management zone includes counties within a 10-mile radius of the location of a confirmed CWD positive deer.”
On or after Dec. 29, 2018, all hunters harvesting deer on weekends (Saturday-Sunday) are required to check the deer in at a physical check station.