How to make it a better 2019
Behind the Scenes

Miranda McCracken, 10, and her little brother Markis, 2, enjoyed Christmas with their family this year. (photo:Karina McCracken )
1. Eat together as a family.
According to a recent study, even dysfunctional families who eat together at the dinner table eat healthier.
The lead author of the study, Kathryn Walton, is a registered dietician, and found that families who ate home-cooked meals together ate more fruits and vegetables. She recommends getting the kids involved in food prep, and if you don’t already have the habit of eating together, start small. Just one meal a week together at the table can make a difference.
2. Get your body moving.
There are gyms all over town, and many of them offer New Year specials. Don’t like the gym setting? Bundle up and hit the trails at Norris Dam State Park or Big Ridge. There is a whole mountain biking trail system at Anderson County Park.
3. Get out of town.
Sometimes you need a change of scenery to get out of a rut. Asheville and Cherokee, North Carolina, are both within a three hour drive and include a beautiful scenic drive. So are Chattanooga and Greenville. Don’t want to go that far? Go out to Ijams Nature Center in Knoxville and check out Navitat, a high rope adventure course.
4. Learn something new.
Have you heard of ORICL? The Oak Ridge Institute for Continued Learning offers tons of classes at a low price. Learn to paint, journal, how to use an iPhone, how to invest, world history, how to make sushi, music, Chinese… basically, whatever you want to learn.
The catalog of classes is available on Roane State’s website at
5. Overcome addiction.
Ready to make one of the best decisions you can make this year? Check out any of the local Celebrate Recovery programs, or contact ASAP of Anderson County at
6. Hang out.
People with friends live longer, according to a 2017 study.
Don’t want to clean your house for company? There are plenty of local places to hang out, like Clinch River Brewing or Vega Cafe in Norris, Clinch River Tattoo and Coffee, Hoskins and Cadence Antiques in downtown Clinton, and even the new Dunkin Donuts in front of Walmart. Friends, donuts and coffee — what could be better?
7. Subscribe to The Courier News.
OK, this is a little self-promoting. But, it’s true. Knowing what’s going on in town means you’re more connected to your community. You’ll have a better idea of what issues will affect you, which gives you the chance to make your voice heard.
And, you get to see what your neighbors are up to. Have a story you want us to report on? Email