It was a wild week on the mat

Two days later, the Mavs would face off against Morristown-Hamblen East, and Hardin Valley Academy.
Anderson County would defeat Clinton, 24-21. Then, the Dragons would tie the Falcons of Fulton, 30-30.
However, Anderson County would drop both matches to Morristown-East and Hardin Valley.
On Thursday, the Clinton Dragons traveled to Powell High School, to face the Panthers and the Patriots of Union County High School. Unfortunately, the Dragons would fall in both matches.
The Dragons responded with a 12-12 tie against Knoxville Catholic.
While Clinton failed to earn a team win last week, the Dragons competed more than the other teams throughout last week — with bouts against five different schools.
Both Anderson County and Clinton prepare for the District Duels, which will be hosted at Anderson County, on Thursday.
Following are the individual results for last week’s matches.
Anderson County vs. Clinton
106: Anthony Berg (CHS) over Vandal Norman (AC) (Fall 1:40).
120: John Seiber (CHS) over James Bailey (ANCO) (Dec 6-3).
126: Jacob Lewis (AC) over Tyler Delk (CHS) (Fall 2:48).
145: Lucas Cook (CHS) over Jesse Muncey (AC) (Fall 2:45).
152: Tyler Muncey (AC) over (CHS) (For.).
195: Joshua Moles (AC) over (CHS) (For.).
220: James Vandergriff (AC) over Gavin Bollinger (CHS) (Fall 1:40).
285: Trevor Linderman (CHS) over Waylon Ridenour (AC) (Fall 0:37).
Anderson County vs. Sevier County
113: James Bailey (AC) over (SCHS) (For.).
126: John Zennie (SCHS) over Jacob Lewis (AC) (Fall).
145: Thomas Aslinger (SCHS) over Jesse Muncey (AC) (Fall).
152: Tyler Muncey (AC) over John Banks (SCHS) (Fall).
195: Joshua Moles (AC) over Jonah Berlasty (SCHS) (Fall).
220: James Vandergriff (AC) over (SCHS) (For.).
285: Waylon Ridenour (AC) over Keano Born (SCHS) (Fall).
106: Chad Fillbach (SCHS) over Vandal Norman (AC) (Fall).
Clinton vs. Fulton
113: Anthony Berg (CHS) over Dylan Ramos (FHS) (Fall 3:55).
126: John Seiber (CHS) over Zach Abner (FHS) (Fall 1:00).
132: Tyler Hubbard (FHS) over Tyler Delk (CHS) (Fall 2:08).
145: Lucas Cook (CHS) over Dennis Kpor (FHS) (Fall 2:40).
195: Double Forfeit 220: Gavin Bollinger (CHS) over (FULT) (For.).
285: Trevor Linderman (CHS) over Seth Vaughn (FULT) (Fall 2:28).
Clinton vs. Powell
113: Anthony Berg (CHS) over Dylan Ramos (FULT) (Fall 3:55).
126: John Seiber (CHS) over Zach Abner (FULT) (Fall 1:00).
132: Tyler Hubbard (FULT) over Tyler Delk (CHS) (Fall 2:08).
145: Lucas Cook (CHS) over Dennis Kpor (FULT) (Fall 2:40).
220: Gavin Bollinger (CHS) over (FULT) (For.).
285: Trevor Linderman (CHS) over Seth Vaughn (FULT) (Fall 2:28).
Clinton vs. Union County
195: Brett Murray (UC) over (CHS) (For.).
285: Trevor Linderman (CHS) over Jerimiah Moshe (UC) (Fall 0:00).
106: Anthony Berg (CHS) over (UC) (For.).
120: Dalton Truan (UC) over John Seiber (CHS) (Fall 0:00).
138: David Hill (UC) over Tyler Delk (CHS) (Fall 0:00).
145: Jeremiah Williams (UC) over Lucas Cook (CHS) (Fall 0:00).
Clinton vs. Catholic
126: John Seiber (CHS) over Bryce Miller (KCHS) (Fall 1:00).
195: Logan Bruce (KCHS) over (CHS) (For.).
220: Xavier Story (KCHS) over Gavin Bollinger (CHS) (Fall 1:44).
285: Trevor Linderman (CHS) over Maximus Vandohoefen (KCHS) (Fall 1:00).
Anderson County vs. Morristown-Hamblen East
152: Sebastian Barboza (MHE) over Tyler Muncey (AC) (Dec 3-2)
170: Alex Mercado (MHE) over Fenton Donlan (AC) (Fall)
195: Joshua Moles (AC) over Shawn Defreese (MHE) (Fall)
220: Jacob Williams (MHE) over James Vandergriff (AC) (Fall)
285: Matthew Murphy (AC) over Miguel Diaz Pascual (MHE) (Fall)
106: Vandal Norman (AC) over (MHE) (For.)
113: Michael Laguna (MHE) over James Bailey (AC) (Fall)
120: Jacob Lewis (AC) over (MHE) (For.)
145: Trevor Johnson (MHE) over Jesse Muncey (AC) (Fall)
clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.