Thank you, Mollie Hoskins Scarbrough

Mollie Hoskins Scarbrough
ASAP of Anderson thanks Mollie Hoskins Scarbrough for her service on the ASAP of Anderson Board of Directors for the last six years.
She joined ASAP’s board in 2013. While on the board, Scarbrough provided representation for the pharmacy community in Anderson County and helped make critical decisions for ASAP as the organization grew and expanded.
She has been a tremendous asset to the ASAP coalition, and we look forward to continuing to work with her and Hoskins Drug Store to prevent and reduce substance misuse among youth and adults in Anderson County. ASAP of Anderson bylaws allow a maximum of six years of continuous service on the Board of Directors.
Chuck Ashley, DPh will be joining the board in January, and Virginia Walsh, a founding coalition member with ASAP, will be returning to the board as well.
To learn more about ASAP of Anderson or to volunteer your time, contact us at or 865-457-3007. Follow ASAPofAnderson on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.