Clogging in Clinton: let’s dance!

Tracie James has opened a new clogging studio in South Clinton. Terry Howard, top left, is the lead teacher. Pic- tured above are, from top left, Howard, Emily Williams, Tracie James, (center) Allie Lakin, Zoie James, Elizabeth Lowe, (bottom) Morgan James, Mabry Shields, Isabella Johnston.
If James’ open house is any sign, the studio will be very successful.
James opened up a studio in Knoxville three years ago and is excited to now offer this “old fashioned style of dance,” as she puts it, to Clinton residents.
“We just wanted to open up a place where kids and adults could come and learn,” she said. “It’s a wonderful area. Clinton is really thriving and growing, and we’re really happy to be here.”
The studio will offer recreational and competitive clogging, as well as line dancing classes.
James didn’t grow up clogging competitively, but did do it for fun as a kid whenever her family would play bluegrass. She fell in love with it, though, when her daughters started doing it.
“It really boosted my love for it again,” she said. “It made my passion increase, and it’s just evolved from there.”
Clogging has evolved, according to James, and they incorporate everything from hip hop to jazz and Top 40 hits. For the month of January, all classes are just $5.
Classes are open to beginners, competitive cloggers, as well as adults.
Their class schedule can be viewed on Facebook by searching for Tennessee Valley Cloggers. Stop by and visit at 726 Clinch Ave. in Clinton or call 865-308-4063.