CMS Hawks student council returns

Clinton Middle School students search for the right book at McKay’s Used Books in Knoxville.
You will find short pieces below related to areas of learning and fun in our building from Classes and Sports to Hawk Life, Student Spotlight, and our new focus on College & Career awareness.
Showcasing a wide variety of the positive happenings at Clinton Middle School: College and Career Academy is Hawk Talk’s first priority.
Hawks explore the wonders of McKay’s Used Book Store
April Meyers, CMS Academic Coach
On Friday, Dec. 7, a select group of Clinton Middle students took a trip over to McKay’s Used Books in West Knoxville.
The students were given a quick tour of the building by a McKay’s employee and then given $16 in McKay’s cash to spend.
Much of the book money was obtained by librarian, Janine Brewer, while some was donated by members of the Clinton Middle School staff. McKay’s even pitched in a $1 voucher per student because we came as a group!
The students had a great time browsing the stacks and carefully choosing their books. A scavenger hunt was also part of the fun and some teams were able to complete the entire quest!
Before heading back to school, students stopped at Pizza Inn for a buffet lunch.
Upon arrival back at CMS, they were excited to show their treasures to ELA teachers and one student even wrote a sweet thank you note about how much fun she had on the book adventure. If you would like to contribute to our spring McKay’s Field Trip, we would love donations of books or McKay’s cash. Please contact to help!
Hawk Student Council
Catherine Meredith, Emilee
Metcalf, Kira Murphy, and Tara Pickel
Here at CMS, students are learning to cast their votes and raise their voices. CMS has started its own Student Council, which will be run by 7th grade Science teacher, Ms. Kelli Hansen.
She says this club is an “opportunity for students to meet together and begin reflecting on this school year and planning for the upcoming year.”
The students in the club are completely responsible for gathering their peers opinions and presenting ideas for the upcoming school year. These ideas range from dress code policies to school decorations.
This club is a great opportunity for students to work on team work and resolve conflicts. It gives students a voice and opinion in the school environment. The students have a chance to work with other teachers and programs to continue building up the school.
Clinton Middle partners with SL for learning
Jackson Brewer, Jacen Pride, Tanyan Pollard, and Ethan Slaven
For the past few weeks, the ELA classes have been taking educational field trips to the SL car part manufacturing plants to learn more about the career paths available there.
Every class was given a standard tour.
After the tour, we asked a few students about their experience and how they liked the building.
Erik Pyles said,“It was fun, and a great learning experience. It was cool to see all the experience, and the dedication of the workers to their jobs.”
Ace Carroll said,“It’s was beneficial to learn about the community.There was a lot of kind people. They have many opportunities for future jobs.They also planned on expanding the building.”
Clinton Middle students will continue to explore more career opportunities in the coming month, as they participate in the third annual Job Shadowing Day on Feb. 1.
Until next week...