Soccer clinics underway at CES

  • Blaze Athletic Director E.T. Stamey (right) talks about the soccer clinics at Clinton Elementray with clinic coach Chris Carroll. - Ken Leinart

  • It’s just a friendly little game of hoops with Clinton’s Bravest taking on Clinton’s Finest at Arowood Arena Thursday night. Clinton Firefighter Bradley Allen (left), and Clinton Police Officer Christian Bailey (right) both promise their respective teams will be well behaved and even “polite” to each other. The game is a fundraiser for Clinton City Schools Blaze programs. - Ken Leinart

The Clinton City Schools Soccer Clinic is back for the spring semester.

After a successful fall clinic, Knoxville soccer pro Chris Carroll decided to come back for the spring.

The clinic has sessions on Wednesdays and Fridays at the Clinton City Schools high school football stadium.

Players in grades 1-3 meet on Wednesdays at 3:30 p.m. The clinic for players in grades 4-6 is on Fridays at 3:30 p.m.

Players should wear athletic clothing with tennis shoes or soccer cleats and balls will be provided for players during the clinic sessions.

Sessions began earlier this month but new players, both boys and girls are still welcome to sign up.

The clinic will emphasize all areas of the game including rules, speed, agility, soccer skills and techniques, coordination, teamwork and sportsmanship.

The clinic provides players with the opportunity to improve upon their game and also serves as another way for young players to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle.

For more information about the clinic, contact Carroll at

CCs Pancake Breakfast: The Clinton City Schools pancake breakfast will be held on Feb. 2 at Apple Blossom in Clinton from 8-10 a.m. Cost is $5.

Track clinic and meet set for April: Clinton High School will host a track clinic for the Blaze on April 18 at the Clinton High School track.

The camp will be run and instructed by the Dragons track coaching staff and athletes and Stamey noted that the elementary school athletes would compete in a meet following the clinic.

Bowling coming soon: The Blaze will field bowling teams this spring beginning in March.

Bowling will be open to fifth and sixth graders this season. Bowling matches will be after school on Wednesdays in March and April. Blaze team sponsors will include Bingham Tire, Melton Heating and Air and C &D Desktop Publishing. Stamey said that the district will recruit potential players and added that anyone interested could reach him by e-mail at