Kids Fish Free Day set for June 8

Little boy suits up in waders at the 2018 Kids Fish Free Day
It’s open to all and admission is free.
Children will be fishing, tying flies, riding in boats, eating hot dogs and signing up for door prizes from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. As always, the event will be at the Miller Island boat access on the Clinch River in Norris.
Kids Fish Free Day coincides with the statewide Tennessee Free Fishing Day, so no fishing licenses are required. Cooperating in the event are the Tennessee Valley Authority and Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency.
The Miller Island boat access is on River Road just off Highway 441 in Norris. To get there from I-75, take Clinton/Norris Exit 122 and turn east; pass the Museum of Appalachia and turn left on Highway 441 toward Norris Dam; just past Island Home Baptist Church, turn left on River Road; drive about a quarter-mile and take the first right into the parking lot.
Clinch River Chapter TU works to preserve and protect the Clinch River tailwater and its watershed through conservation projects and through education of children and adults in aquatic natural resources.
Meetings are held the second Thursday of the month at St. Francis Episcopal Church, Norris, except when outdoor activities are scheduled. For more information, visit