Atomic City Aquatic Club competes in Kingsport Piranha Finale

  • Pictured from left are: Hallie Hill, Leah Alexander, and Emmy Zimmer.

  • Pictured from left are: Creed Loy, Dylan Arnold, and Zack Telep.

Forty-seven Atomic City Aquatic Club (ACAC) swimmers competed at the 2019 Kingsport Piranha Finale and put forth a strong effort heading into championship season.

Spearheading the team with victories, Landon Hall (10) and Kuba Shaw (11) won all eight events they swam respectively, achieving Southeastern cuts in all of them. Harper Houk (17) won seven events and made Southeasterns in five. Stephen Zhukov (12) won six events, and made four Southeastern cuts (four of his races were longer races that aren’t raced at Southeasterns for his age group – he won each of them.) Colin Choi (9) won six events, made one Southeastern and one bonus cut, Logan Hall (12) won five events and made Southeastern cuts in four, and Camden Gerchar (14) won four events, made Southeasterns in six and obtained a bonus cut.

Emily Aycock (18) won four events, made Southeasterns in five events and one bonus cut. Mason Fischer (14) won four events and made Southeasterns in five events. Egan Rawn (14) won four events, made Southeasterns in three, and made one bonus cut.

Jessica King (14) won four events and made Southeasterns in three events.

The winning did not stop there. Rachel Aycock (18) won three events and made Southeasterns in six races. Aydan Skelton (11) won three events, made Southeasterns in two, and made a bonus cut. Tais Brown (15) won three events and made Southeasterns in two. .Benjamin Helus (9) won three events and made Southeasterns in one event.

Andrew Chou (12) and Zack Telep (16) each won two events and made Southeasterns in seven events.

Karol Shaw (10) won the 100 Breast and made Southeastern cuts in all eight events he swam.

Abbey Aycock (17) won the 50 Back and made Southeasterns in three events and bonus in one event.

Ethan Chou (17) won one event, made Southeasterns in two, and made a bonus in one event, and Broden Barlow (12) made Southeasterns in two events and bonus in one, winning the 100 Free,

Still other swimmers made great appearances. Alex Choi (14) won the 50 Fly, Keyara Colandro won the 400 IM, Margaret Froning (16) won the 50 Breast, Carl Helus won the 100 Back, and Creed Loy (15) won the 200 Breast.

Kelsey Craighead (18) made Southeasterns in one event and bonus in two, Alton Alexander (17) made Southeasterns in the 200 Breast and Bonus 100 Breast, Stuart Greene (12) made two Southeastern cuts, Mary Kate Darby (17) made a Southeastern cut and two bonus cuts, and Joshua Ciorciari (12) made a Southeastern cut and a bonus cut.

The next meet for ACAC will be the Southeastern Championships, where it is anticipated that 26 of the ACAC swimmers who have made Southeastern cuts will compete. This will be held in Hunstville, Ala. For more information about ACAC please contact Dean Gerchar by email at or go to