Fly fishing retreats nurture women with breast cancer
Event to be held Aug. 8 in Norris

The free, public program is hosted by the Clinch River Chapter of Trout Unlimited, starting at 7 p.m. in the parish hall at St. Francis Episcopal Church, 158 W. Norris Road, Norris.
Clinch River Chapter is a longtime supporter of the CFR East Tennessee retreats, providing river guides and hand-tied trout flies for participants. Lindsay Long, a chapter member, helped establish the annual East Tennessee retreat, one of 60 across the country that serve more than 800 women each year.
CFR was founded in 1996 by a breast reconstruction surgeon and a professional fly fisher. The gentle motion of fly casting is good physical therapy for the arm and upper body, and connecting with nature provides an emotional bonus for women.
Also speaking at the meeting will be Gentry Oswalt, a young chapter member who’ll be reporting on his experience at Trout Unlimited’s Teen Summit in Georgetown Lake, Montana, from June 29 to July 3.
The Clinch River Chapter’s mission is to conserve and enhance the Clinch River tailwater trout fishery and its watershed, through conservation projects and through education of children and adults in aquatic natural resources. Meetings are held the second Thursday of the month at St. Francis Episcopal Church, Norris, except when outdoor activities are scheduled. For more information, visit