4-H poultry show and sale planned for Sept. 5

Max Giles raised the Overall Grand Champion pullet at the 2018 4-H Poultry Show and invites you to join us for the 2019 Poultry Show & Sale on Thursday, Sept. 5 at the Anderson County Fairgrounds. Black Star, Rhode Island Red and Barred Rock pullets will be auctioned.
The show starts at 5:30 p.m. at the Anderson County Fairgrounds.
The auction will be held immediately following the show and the community is invited to bid on the outstanding pullets these members have raised. Rhode Island Red, Black Star and Barred Rock pullets will be available for auction.
The 4-H member receives the full auction price for their birds, which helps offset the expenses the family has had for feed, equipment, etc. Bear Stephenson will serve as the auctioneer for the sale.
The poultry show marks the culmination of the annual 4-H Chick Chain project, which began in March when students received their day-old chicks.
Members diligently cared for their chicks throughout the spring and summer, learning how to feed and care for their birds, train them for showmanship and even how to groom their birds in preparation for the show. This year’s show will include judging and showmanship classes, project record competition, and honors for Premier Exhibitor.
For additional information, contact Donna Carter, 4-H Extension Agent at 457-6246.