Fall Fun Fest in 22nd year
St. Mark fundraiser happens this weekend

These members of Clinton’s St. Mark United Methodist Church were on hand Thurs- day for the planting of a sign in front of the church advertising this weekend’s Fall Fun Fest on the church grounds. They are, from left, back row: Jim Young, Dick Mc- Ghee, Shirley Keck, Candy McGlasson and Bruce Keck; front row: Eva Myers, Cindy McGhee, Lynda Brock, Kathy Grieder and Ann Patton. (photo:G. Chambers Williams )
The main events – including games for children, a bake sale, a cake walk, and an auction will take place on Saturday, while there will be a rummage sale on Friday and Saturday mornings, according to Cindy McGhee, the auction chairperson.
“We’ll have the rummage sale from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday and Saturday in the church’s Fellowship Hall, while the main fun fest, bake sale and cakewalk will be held in the parking lot behind the church from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, followed by the auction at 1 p.m.,” McGee said.
There will be a “chuckwagon” in the parking lot on Saturday serving hot dogs, chips and drinks, she added.
The church is at 252 North Main St., and the parking lot is at the corner of Hicks and Church streets.
This is the 22nd year the church has sponsored the event, which is coordinated by the United Methodist Women’s group, McGhee said.
“Every penny goes to missions in Appalachia and globally, including orphanages in Mexico,” she said. There is no admission charge.
The auction, conducted by local auctioneer Bear Steohenson, will feature a variety of items, including gift baskets. The items were donated by area merchants.
“We have a lot of things for kids,” McGhee said. “A lot of people do Christmas shopping here. There will be gift cards from local restaurants and other businesses, including antique shops. There will be two baskets with four tickets each for the holiday candlelight service at the Museum of Appalachia.”
As for the cake walk, participants will be competing for about 10 different cakes made by church members, she said.