Senior moments
The Madness of Madison

Until game day.
“Normally I like to cut up a lot, but when I play soccer … I’m kind of like a little monster. I get pretty intense, super focused,” she said.
Marsee, a captain on the Lady Dragons’ squad, relies on several things prior to game days to get ready.
She said she drinks a lot of liquids the night before and the day of games (espeically in the early season heat).
“I always eat healthy, but on game days I try to eat a little more healthy,” she laughed.
You can tell her importance to the team by the way her teammates gravitate to her before practices.
Oh, she also ices her ankles prior to games.
Marsee does take her soccer serious.
Eight quick questions:
If you weren’t playing soccer you’d be …
Working at Southern Gossip Boutique.
What music are you listening to now?
Post Malone’s new album, “Hollywood’s Bleeding.”
Last book you read?
Marsee stumbled a bit here. She can tell you what she’s reading now because she is an avid reader. The last book she read … “Well, I know who wrote it.”
It was written by Dr. Bill Bass, founder of the UT Body Farm, she answered.
Keep reading, Madison.
What do you do to relax?
I relax by watching Netflix or the Food Chanel Network.
If you could have a conversation with one person, alive or dead, who would it be?
My papaw, who passed away a few years ago.
Best memory as a child?
Going to Disney World with my friends and family.
Best day of the week?
Saturday for sure. I ref youth soccer games and they are so much fun.
Favorite teacher?
Mrs. Maggie Bouldin at Roane State Community College.
Twenty years from now you want to be remembered for …
Always being kind to people and having a good heart.