PHOTOS: Mustangs and muscle cars invade Ray Varner Ford

  • The 26th Annual Tennessee Valley Mustang Club All Ford Car Show was held at Ray Varner Ford on Saturday.

  • 1958 Ford Ranchero

  • The long horn steer on the front of David Perry's 1958 Ford Ranchero looked right at home while parked across the street from Anderson County High School.

  • Erin Earley's 1965 Ford Mustang convertible was originally purchased new by her father. Earley has the original window sticker and factory drive-out tags to the vehicle.

  • American muscle.

  • The 289 V8 small-block engine powered many Ford Mustangs.

The Tennessee Valley Mustang Club held its 26th Annual All Ford Car Show at Ray Varner Ford on Saturday, October 19. Wikipedia states that the 2-seater Mustang concept car was introduced to the world in 1962 and was followed by the Mustang II, a 4-seat concept version, in 1963. According to, the Mustang was officially unveiled in Flushing, New York during the 1964 World's Fair.