A ‘little’ suggestion at a Git ‘N Go turns into a large outpouring of support

Pictured from left are Victoria Greenwood, #3 Deli Manager; Jessica Campbell, Operations Manager; Katy Bibee, Special Events Coordinator for Susan G. Komen; William Baine, CEO; Jeanine Romain, Accountant; Ashlee Rollins, Marketing Manager, and Deby Vozar, #3 Store Manager.
One week and eight donation boxes later, Susan G. Komen donation day was in full force at each of Git’N Go’s four locations.
Donation boxes were placed by each register and Git’N Go teammates pulled out all the stops to help promote it, each store even having their own breast cancer awareness shirts made.
The event was even more successful than Git’N Go could have hoped, with customers giving upwards of $5 at a time.
It was so successful, in fact, that the donation boxes had to be emptied nearly every hour.
The Clinton community spoke loudly of their support to help end breast cancer, and through their spare change donated a total of $1,281.79 - in less than 24 hours.
After a match from Joe Hollingsworth, Jr., Git’N Go presented a check to Susan G. Komen East Tennessee for $2,563.58.