NCES receives Waste Management grant

North Clinton Elementary sixth-graders were given a learning opportunity from Anderson County Commissioners Rick Meredith and Bob Jameson. Each year, Waste Management allocates $12,000 to be divided equally among the 16 commissioners to be used as education grants in local schools. This year, Meredith and Jameson awarded their portion of the grant to be used to allow all sixth-grade students at North Clinton Elementary the experience of becoming a published author. Students are in the process of researching an ancient civilization of their choice, which complements their state standards in social studies. Students will then write their own non-fiction book incorporating the information obtained. The grant funds will be used to publish an individual hard copy of each student’s book. It is an honor for all NCES students to be able to say that they are a published author before graduating from Clinton City Schools. This would not be possible without the support of the Waste Management grant and our two commissioners. Jyl Smithson, sixth-grade teacher, and Shannon Cook, special education teacher, will oversee the project.